Is true that Matt Dillon is an amazing actor but in his latest movie the only words that I can think about it's "This movie has talent like no other action movie but sucks", it's a train wreck compared to other action movies who had less known people and still made an impact. The plot is simple "Guards that work moving vast amounts of money from different business to safe places decide to make a move and retire early as millionaires" Sounds familiar? Maybe it's the same premise of Ocean's 13 except on a different setting and with less sexy but bulkier characters.
Essentially this movie can be forgiven to be a clone of Ocean's 13 if at least the plot wasn't so filled with clichés and messy which makes the viewer (unless you are a fan of action movies with little plots) wants to stand up and do something else. It's true that the film could be better but there are so many plotting conveniences that make the movie an entire excuse to produce an action flick i.e. when Ward announces that their vehicles will be equipped with G.P.S. damn my own vehicle have a G.P.S. so that means that I can go and steal a bank? I don't think so and I don't think I would recommend somebody to see this movie but if you are a fanatic of Quentin Tarantino I can highly recommend it because Andrzej Sekula is the lead of the visual effects and those effects in Armored are awesome (Also Andrzej directed the unofficial sequel of cult movie Cube from Vincenzo Natali, Hypercube ).
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